Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Penning For Her Thoughts(2005)

Wherever I am- I find you in the crowd,
You’re always their - never let me down.
Some simple trait you did possess,
Or in some manner- you used to dress.

I look around for someone new,
But all I see in them - is you.
Am I holding on to a life once past,
Or just hoping for one last gasp.

I often try to live my reality,
Then cheesy movies move my memory.
Often relating to stupid dialogue,
Singing sappy songs along the monologue.

I’ve constantly let you down,
Almost always never been around.
Yet now you stalk me,
Questioning my sanity.

Yet when I want to think of you,
It’s then you desert me.
Or is it just me,
Doing the same to you?

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