Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Michael Jackson and Prince (no, not MJ's son) - Bored at work, awaiting clients approval 7pm going on past 8

So I sit here at my desk and I say to myself, let's go look on the interweb to see what I can dig up on the 2 and their so called rivalry, yes I needed answers on the gloved one and his purple highness, so sod off if I offend you with my curiosity.

I was surprised with what I found...

(for dramatic effect ala E!)...One had Neverland, One had Paisley Park. One had Thriller, the other Purple Rain. One is dead, the other is alive!

Did you know that at a James Brown Concert in 1983, James Brown spotted Michael Jackson in the audience and asked him to come up on stage to do a lil something. Michael obliged, then after whispered into James ears that Prince was in the crowd to, and James had him come on to. So Michael and Prince have appeared on Stage together...watch it unfold on youtube.


From what I gather on the net, it goes that MJ actually wanted his song BAD to be a duet with Prince, but that idea fell through after the two had creative differences over lyrical content and Prince refused the project. Prince stated later that he thought the song would be a hit whether he was in it or not. Fans speculate that the lyrical content in question was the opening lyrics‘ "Your butt is mine".

A bit more FROM MTV Newsroom…

‘But did Jackson and Prince really dislike each other? The evidence suggests that the rivalry was for real, if not a bit one-sided. On his 2004 album Musicology, Prince had a lyric that went, "My voice is getting higher/And Eye ain't never had my nose done/That's the other guy."

He also ducked out of the Jackson-helmed "We Are The World" sessions (though he did end up donating a song to the benefit album).

However, recent interviews with former Prince band members reveal a more genial side. "They'd shoot hoops at Paisley Park," longtime Prince drummer Bobby Z told the Star-Tribune. Prince had a deep-seeded competitive nature, so it's easy to see where he would measure himself against Jackson's success. Engineer David Z told a story about Prince's attempt to play ping-pong with Jackson. "Michael drops his paddle and holds his hands up in front of his face so the ball won't hit him. Michael walks out with his bodyguard, and Prince starts strutting around like a rooster. 'Did you see that? He played like Helen Keller.'”


The hoops bit and competitive nature of Prince chuckles me straight back to the raconteurs of Charlie Murphy(Eddie Murphys brother) on the Dave Chappelle show about playing hoops with the Purple one and Eddie at Paisley Park :)

For the most part though I think their rivalry was good for fans and themselves as it kept challenging them both to be better artists, well, in the 80’s and 90’s that is;)

Prince though had finally this to say when he was asked about his feelings on the death of Michael Jackson, reluctant, not wanting to dwell on the subject answered: “It is always sad to lose someone you loved."

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